Sun Salutation A is a series of movements, generally performed in the beginning of a yoga class to wake up the body and strengthen/ lengthen the muscles. Sun salutation A can be done as a yoga flow entirely on its own (you will build up heat for sure!) or it can be integrated into an extended yoga class with more postures. Essentially, it is a moving meditation where each movement is linked to the breath: either an inhale or an exhale. If you're just beginning your yoga practice, try 3 rounds, moving slowly through Sun Salute A. Then with time, as you feel confident about your form in each posture, you can work your way up: increasing the repetitions and eventually picking up the pace of your flow. In this tutorial, I break down Sun Salutation A, step-by-step.
Please note: If you're new to Sun Salutation A, you might consider using a block in the "half standing forward bend" vs. bringing your hands to your shins. This is right before the complete standing forward fold. Blocks are great to use here, when the earth feels too far away OR if you experience really tight hamstrings.
Up Next in Skills Workshop
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