Skills Workshop
Here is where individual poses are broken down, step-by-step to ensure that you're practicing safely while staying in alignment.
Breaking Down Bakasana: Crow Pose
Come fly with me! In this quick tutorial, I show you exactly how to get into the popular arm balance, crow pose. The Sanskrit word is Bakasana. I'll show you two ways to practice this bird: with and without using your blocks, so make sure you have yours handy! You'll also want to have a bolster o...
Tutorial: Sun Salutation A
Sun Salutation A is a series of movements, generally performed in the beginning of a yoga class to wake up the body and strengthen/ lengthen the muscles. Sun salutation A can be done as a yoga flow entirely on its own (you will build up heat for sure!) or it can be integrated into an extended yog...
Tutorial: Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise is a fun and challenging balance posture that builds strength in the legs, opens your hips, hamstrings, heart and shoulders and helps you maintain focus. Join me as I show you exactly how to get into it. Grab a strap for this one just in case you need to modify!
Be patient with...
Tutorial: Flying Splits II (Part I)
This is one of my favorite arm balances! Flying splits II. The Sanskrit name is Eka Pada Koundinyasana II. Can you say that three times fast?
In part I of this tutorial, I show you one of two ways that you can get into the flying splits: from downward facing dog. I also share the component parts... -
Tutorial: Flying Splits II (Part II)
This is one of my favorite arm balances! Flying splits II. The Sanskrit name is Eka Pada Koundinyasana II. Can you say that three times fast?
In part II of this tutorial, I show you the second option for getting into this posture from crescent lunge. Different strokes for different folks, right?... -
Tutorial: Sun Salutation B
Sun Salutation B is a series of movements, generally performed in the beginning of a yoga class to wake up the body and strengthen/ lengthen the muscles. Sun salutation B can be done as a yoga flow entirely on its own (you will build up heat for sure!) or it can be integrated into an extended yog...
Tutorial: Warrior I, II & III
Behold! It's warriors I, II, and III ready to ride off into battle! I kid. I kid. These three standing warrior poses have many benefits like strengthening the legs, feet ankles and core, increasing focus, opening the hips, helping with balance and coordination, etc. In this tutorial, I break down...
Tutorial: Downward Facing Dog
Here's a tutorial on the popular, yet elusive pose, downward facing dog. Downdog is both a strengthening and resting pose. It's a common pose that we do to transition through our flow or "vinyasa" to the next set of standing poses. Downdog benefits the body in various ways like opening up the ham...
Taking Care Of Your Wrists
Taking care of your wrists is very important when it comes to your yoga practice. From downward dog to plank pose, our wrists are consistently being utilized. In this quick video, I show you several ways to stretch and strengthen your wrists both before and after you practice to help prevent inju...
Tutorial: Plank Pose Variations
Plank pose is a challenging one no matter if you're just starting your yoga journey or have been practicing for a while. In this tutorial, I show you a few options for plank both on your hands (if you're looking for a challenge) supported (if you're working your way up to keeping your hips lifted...
Tutorial: Supported Headstand
Headstands are a fun and challenging addition to your yoga practice and there are many benefits to going upside down. Inversions help improve circulation in the body, boost your mood and improve brain function, build confidence, enhance balance, improve overall strength and more.
In this tutoria...
Tutorial: Tripod Headstand
Headstands are a fun and challenging addition to your yoga practice and there are many benefits to going upside down. Inversions help improve circulation in the body, boost your mood and improve brain function, build confidence, enhance balance, improve overall strength and more.
In this tutoria...
Tutorial: Wide Legged Headstand Press
Headstands are a fun and challenging addition to your yoga practice and there are many benefits to going upside down. Inversions help improve circulation in the body, boost your mood and improve brain function, build confidence, enhance balance, improve overall strength and more.
In this tutoria...